Empowering Climate Action in your Children

What happens when you’re shamed for your parenting or for your choice of becoming a parent at all in relation to environmentalism and the climate crisis? How can you talk to your child about climate change without overwhelming them? How do you raise an imperfect eco hero? Like other folks trying to navigate both parenting and environmentalism simultaneously, D2 is no stranger to these challenging questions. D2, manager of Start The Waves’ graphic design needs for all channels and communications, has joined us on this episode to discuss their experiences of how environmentalism, parenting and art all intersect within their life, and play an important role in how they find comfort in imperfection. 

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Additional Resources

Check out D2’s incredible art and other inspirational posts on their Instagram! You can also view more of their awesome work on the STW Instagram.

Throughout the episode we mentioned a couple awesome activists and climate leaders to follow. They are: Mitty, or Cristina Goettsch Mittermeier, a Mexican writer, marine biologist and conservation photographer and founder of Sea Legacy; and Alanah Torralba, an independent journalist and photographer based in Manila, Philippines. Her work is focused on telling underreported social issues such as labour migration, the disability sector, road safety, women in conflict, and climate change.

#RisingYouth and Start The Wave helped to make this episode possible. #RisingYouth is a program led by TakingITGlobal to help youth in Canada develop life skills by giving back to their communities. Start the Wave is a non-profit organisation focused on empowering and supporting projects that create positive change worldwide. If you have a community project idea, check out both #RisingYouth and Start The Wave!

