How to be a Hypocrite and an Eco-hero with Sarah JS Part I

So many narratives within activism and environmentalism tell us what we're doing is wrong or shames us for 'not doing enough'. But perfectionism is the enemy of growth, which instills shame. It is a mindset encouraged by capitalistic economics and societies that reduces our identities to just our achievements and removes our sense of humanity. That capitalistic perfectionism hinders our work; it makes us take on too much responsibility, and heightens our feelings of depression, anxiety, and anger, while simultaneously fueling our burnout. It also leads us to criticize ourselves and each other instead of supporting our mutual work. That is why in this two-part episode, we chatted with the amazing Sarah JS from the Good Grief Network, to learn how to embrace our environmental hypocrisy and recognize that the inescapable nature of climate change is kind of the whole point to this problem.

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Click HERE to listen to part II!

Click HERE to view the transcription of this episode

Additional Resources

Learn more about Good Grief Network and their 10-Step program which aims to help folks navigate emotions linked to climate change by creating safe spaces and empowering meaningful action.

Check out the amazing Climate Psychotherapist Caroline Hickman’s research page and mental health panel. Keep an eye out for more from her in a future Imperfect Eco-Hero episode.

Book recommendations mentioned in this episode: Swamplands of the Soul: New Life in Dismal Places by James Hollis and Do Better: Spiritual Activism for Fighting and Healing from White Supremacy by Rachel Ricketts.

#RisingYouth and Start The Wave helped to make this episode possible. #RisingYouth is a program led by TakingITGlobal to help youth in Canada develop life skills by giving back to their communities. Start the Wave is a non-profit organisation focused on empowering and supporting projects that create positive change worldwide. If you have a community project idea, check out both #RisingYouth and Start The Wave!

