Making Waves with Randi and Dom Part I

Building communities is a process that not only fosters connection amongst people, but it offers a collective space for experience sharing. The act of collective learning and sharing becomes a very empowering practice that can turn into a source of motivation, inspiration, learning and support for the people in the community. One non-profit organization that really harnesses the importance and power of community is Start the Wave. We sat down with the founder of Start the Wave, Dom P-C, and their Project and Research Manager, Randi Ramdeen, for a 2-part interview to discuss how they’ve built this movement that centres on community and accountability so that it can meet people where they’re at, to inspire them to become their own wave-makers.

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Click here to listen to Part II!

Click HERE to view the transcription of this episode

Additional Resources

How to Save a Planet podcast series

Want to learn more and hear from the incredible climate justice and human rights lawyer, Colette Pichon Battle? Check out her Ted Talk.

Do you have a grassroots project that needs support? Do you need resources for unlearning and self education necessary to bring about a new world? Head on over to Start the Wave’s website to learn more about their movement and non-profit organization. If you want to join their community of wavemakers worldwide, head on over to their Instagram account. They also have super helpful resource videos on their Youtube channel.

Interested in reading the book that inspired Randi down their environmental path? Check out Doug MacDonald’s Politics of Pollution

#RisingYouth and Start The Wave helped to make this episode possible. #RisingYouth is a program led by TakingITGlobal to help youth in Canada develop life skills by giving back to their communities. Start the Wave is a non-profit organisation focused on empowering and supporting projects that create positive change worldwide. If you have a community project idea, check out both #RisingYouth and Start The Wave!

